Friday, May 15, 2009

Sleeping Lessons

Ek sit nou met hope en hope werk, agterstallige werk, werk wat kom, werk wat is, alomteenwoordige werk, en dan nog boonop die aankomende eksamen wat oor my kop hang soos 'n geroesde guillotine. Ek voel net dat ek nie genoeg tyd het om goed uit te dink om te doen om my tyd mee te vul nie... ek hoop jy verstaan!

Ok, eerlikwaar dink ek nie dit is als so baie nie, maar niemand hou daarvan om uit die slaap en uit die lewe gehou te word deur 'n voorgeskrewe boek of 'n LO taak wat jou net sal help om matriek deur te kom en nie verder nie. Ek soek intelektuele stimulus! Ek soek die dae waar 'n hele middag afgestaan is aan 'n skeinat prakties sodat die kinders behoorlike ontploffings kan genereer, waar juffrouens ekstra poetry in engels gedoen het, sodat die kinders bietjie kan dink, waar ons nog dodgeball kon speel in LO!

Ai, toe ons nog jonk en onskuldig was...

You've got to hide your love away

Here I stand with head in hand,
Turn my face to the wall.
If she's gone I can't go on,
Feeling two foot small.

Ev'rywhere people stare,
Each and ev'ry day.
I can see them laugh at me,
And I hear them say.

Hey, you've got to hide your love away.
Hey, you've got to hide your love away.

How can I even try,
I can never win,
Hearing them, seeing them,
In the state I'm in.

How could she say to me
Love will find a way?
Gather round all you clowns
Let me hear you say.

Hey, you've got to hide your love away.
Hey, you've got to hide your love away.

-------------------------------------The Beatles

Friday, May 8, 2009

Also Frightened

LISTEN - Animal Collective - Also Frightened.mp3

I recently had the pleasure of sharing my first KKNK experiences with Johan Schutte, a good friend of mine, and he burned me a DVD full of some of the strangest music I have ever heard...

but on this DVD was a bunch of music from a band called Animal Collective.  So at first I thought that it has a very strange, somewhat hard-to-listen to sound to it, but as time passed their music really grew on me, so now I can truly say I'm a fan.

Here is the strange part...
I also discovered a band called Panda Bear in between my endless arrays of musical folders.  And then I got the Indie Rock Playlists from my friend and I discovered Avey Tare, also a seemlingly unknown artist.   Strange enough  Animal collective is a collection (thu
s the name) of musicians including the two childhood friends, Avey Tare and Panda Bear (Obviously not their real names).  So I, by accident, uncovered an entirely desolate part of the musical world, by accident.  They rule the lands of Baltimore, Maryland and beyond.

weird... but so worth it.  Animal Collective is a brilliant band.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

New Slang

Today is new!  I got a new cellphone (1)  new clothes (2) and I am writing a new blog entry at long last (3).


(1) My new phone is the sony ericsson k770i.  it has a nice music player, as with all sony ericssons, which I desperately need, because my sad excuse of a mp3player with half a earphone and no battery cover needs a replacement.  En die foon het 'n cybershot camera in wat 3.2mp is. so nou kan ek uiteindelik decent fotos neem damit!  En die foon het 'n funksie waar ek die fotos dadelik na my blog (You are now Here) te kan laai.  How wow?

(2) Ek't so een hemp en so ander hemp gekry.

(3) Ek het 'n bietjie van 'n absence gevat, maar ek is terug en ek beloof om 'n paar posts in te haal.

change is good!