Sunday, November 29, 2009

Back in your Head

Tegan and Sara is really cool!

The are lesbian twins (no, not lesbian with eachother, they are lesbians, and they are twins. seperate facts) from canada.

They're really pretty. Too bad huh!

listen to Back in your Head - Tegan and Sara.

Let the cool goddess rust away

Let the cool goddess rust away

I found
A new face
A new image staring back at me
Let the cool
Goddess rust away
Let the cool
Goddess rust away
You so different
In a different way
But what goes up has so far down to fall
So go salvage
Some of that human dignity
It'll be a long

-Clap your hands say Yeah

There are lots of different oppinions about the lyrics of this, since they sing so inaudibly, but I like this one best.

The reason I chose it is because I had to make relationship decisions rescently and I feel I have to stick with them. It's just better for everyone. Now the other person is so damn charming and I just can't help but doubt myself! Women just mess with you. for fun. Or by accident. I don't really understand it all.

None the less, the cool goddess should just rust away :).